As most of the schools in the United States have ended another year, we’re all excited that it’s summer break, but also curious about how summer 2020 is going to turn out. This year, many things have been different from previous years and I’m most definitely sure that this summer is also going to be different. Although summer 2020 will be unlike the other years, I think it would be a special one for every one of us.

    First of all, I wonder if we’re going to go on vacation with our family. I’m sure many people won’t be going on vacation because of the virus, but I’m also sure that there are also people who will be going on vacation. No matter what it is, there are going to be people doing it and not doing it. So if you’re really going on a vacation, I won’t say anything because I am not in a position to tell you what to do. However, I want to say this one thing; I want you to know that you have to be super careful, prepared, and protected from the virus during your vacation.

    Second of all, I wonder if we’re going to stay at a hotel if we go on a vacation. I mean, when you think about it, hotels can be dangerous, like almost every place is nowadays. I know that staffs working at hotels try and do their best to sanitize everything and keep the hotel nice and clean, but how can you be 100% sure? When you go to a mart or go through a drive-thru and touch (have a little contact with) someone, you automatically flinch or/and sanitize your hands. It’s not that the person has the virus, but it’s that you don’t know. The hotels are doing their best to always be nice and clean, and it’s your choice.

    There are so many things that are going to be different from all the other years, but I’m looking forward to summer 2020 and I’m sure it’s going to be a special one, even if it’s different. No matter what, we should always make everything count, so make this summer count, too! Do whatever it is to make it special for you and just please stay safe!!